A Semester at Fashion School
A few days ago I handed in my last final project which marks the end of my semester at the School of Fashion Design in Boston. This has been an incredible journey, full of late nights and stressed ice cream eating sessions. But to summarise my experience in a few words: it has been a dream come true and I loved every second of it. I learned how to make a pattern for a blouse and skirt, made a blouse and skirt, made a corset, dove into the world of sketching and drew a 9 piece collection. I owe most of my gratitude to my teachers; Joe, Marney, Jay and Daniel. They all taught four very different subjects in different ways but one thing that tied them all together was their love for teaching and creating. They have taught me some wonderful things and I cannot wait to show in future designs. To the other staff at the school who made me feel at home, thank you. I don’t know how to explain this very well but this school already feels like home and I simply cannot wait to get back.
I’m also extremely grateful of my fellow classmates that I get to call my friends. From Valerie who was my mom in fashion school and who worked long hours with me, buried in homework, to Nancy who put a smile on my face whenever I saw her.
Overall, I’m extremely grateful that I had this opportunity and proud that I was able to put my best into it. I cannot wait to see how a semester at fashion school improves the garments that I design and make!
For now, here are my future plans: I want to take all the wonderful techniques and knowledge that I’ve leant this summer and use them to improve the dresses I’ll be selling through Noé and also work on some bigger projects (fashion shows?? o_o). I plan to come back to the School of Fashion Design next summer to continue my education by taking level 2 classes. Then, after I graduate St. Andrews, I want to come back to Boston to get the diploma at the school. Who knows if this plan will change, knowing myself, it probably will but things can only get more exciting than then already are!
A huge thank you to Alyssa, my flatmate in Boston who welcomed me with opened arms, did everything to make me feel at home in Boston. Thank you to my family who supported this decision and my friends who kept me sane while I struggled to get my homework done. Could’ve have made it without y’all.
See you next summer Boston!